10th Grade Learning Expedition to Marfa, TX
We are Marfa bound! This learning expedition will focus on how nature has influenced man and how mankind has impacted nature. Through readings, conversations about life cycles (including mathematical and chemical views on growth and decay), writing opportunities, and Socratic Seminars, ACS is taking school to the desert! Students will contemplate art inspired by nature and solitude, as they create a student-designed tour of art galleries and exhibits in Marfa. We'll also participate in interactive field work at the McDonald Observatory, enjoy a star party, hike through the Davis Mountains, ride horses (or learn about reptiles in the desert for those who choose to not ride), and grow closer as an ACS team!
TRIP OVERVIEW (from previous years): Marfa Trip Overview
TRAVEL DATES: dates for 2022-2023 school year are coming soon!
LOCATIONS: Fort Davis (lodging at Prude Ranch), Marfa, TX, and the McDonald Observatory
TRIP OVERVIEW (from previous years): Marfa Trip Overview
TRAVEL DATES: dates for 2022-2023 school year are coming soon!
LOCATIONS: Fort Davis (lodging at Prude Ranch), Marfa, TX, and the McDonald Observatory